The History of the Colorado Pacific Railroad

July 25, 2024 Rob Rauffer

The Soloviev Group built the Colorado Pacific Railroad to establish better connections between eastern Colorado and western Kansas. This 122-mile rail route begins at Towner in Colorado and connects with North Avondale Junction, situated near Boone. The line also interchanges with BNSF and Union Pacific, bringing passengers closer to Oklahoma and Kansas.

Although this train route is relatively new compared to the other major rail routes in Colorado and Kansas, the Colorado Pacific Railroad holds special importance for its recent acquisition by the Soloviev Group and the efforts of Mr. Stefan Soloviev, the CEO of the famous multibillion-dollar company. Even though the railroad has witnessed some latest additions, it shares an enticing history.

The Colorado Pacific Railroad is owned by the multibillion-dollar company the Soloviev Group, owned by the young and passionate businessman Stefan Soloviev. Over the past years, Mr Soloviev has shown great interest in the areas of real estate, renewable energy, logistics, and agribusiness and has largely impacted these industries with his bids and investments.

Adding new extensions to the Colorado Pacific Railroad was one of his crucial decisions. Before this, he had also made a whopping bid of $10.7 million for the San Luis and Rio Grande railroad. And in 2018, Mr Soloviev proposed extending the Colorado Pacific rail route, which earned him much praise nationwide.

Mr Stefan Soloviev is a farming enthusiast, and ever since he decided to extend the Colorado Pacific rail route, it has become easier to transport grains from Colorado and Kansas to various vital markets of the country. This, in fact, has positively impacted the farmers of these locations.

Even if the Colorado Pacific is some of the newest extensions in the state, this railroad does have an enticing history to share. This railroad was first constructed by Missouri Pacific Railroad during the late 1880s and was meant to serve as a mainline between Kansas City and Pueblo.

Colorado Pacific Railroad serves as a surviving segment of the Missouri Pacific Railroad, which offered service until 1971. Initially, this railroad was constructed to maintain a network with the national rail line, but the route witnessed many changes with time. Some of the most significant changes in the route happened when it was purchased by the Soloviev Group in 2018. This purchase was historic as it connected with the Union Pacific and BNSF railroads, thus, improvising its connectivity even more.

This railroad was constructed to ease the transportation of goods and international or domestic shipments. Even to this date, this improvised rail route plays a pivotal role in connecting Colorado’s NA junction to Pueblo, which is situated 27 miles east.

Since its construction, the Colorado Pacific Railway has witnessed many historic changes that will continue to benefit people and service providers for years. Some of the most important moments that made history were the introduction of the new grain shuttle loader facility in the year 2021. The facility was scheduled to open in 2023 and intends to offer 3 million upright and ground storage bushels.

Another historical introduction to the railroad was the construction of an 8000-foot siding at the western terminus, which is intended to allow the exchange of unit trains, particularly trains with UP and BSNF.

Yet another remarkable introduction was the addition of delivery siding running from the west end. This upgradation in the line enables it to accommodate faster and heavier freight traffic, adding to the state’s advancements in faster shipment and freight deliveries.

Regarding the people who were integral to the railroad construction and its success, Mr Stefan Soloviev is the first and most important face behind the railroad’s success. His interest in farming and railroad projects changed the fate of the Colorado Pacific route and gave it a new purpose.

Upon asking how he came up with this fantastic idea, he says, “Whenever I was out there, which was pretty often, I’d drive over those tracks. That line runs straight west, and that always interested me. So, I looked into the situation. I began watching the headlines, talking to some locals, just trying to learn what I could.”

When asked in an interview about his plans to improvise the passenger service routes and how it will turn out, Mr. Soloviev replied, “I’m sure that it’ll work beautifully on that line because that line is beautiful. But, obviously, I’m a grain producer and now a grain buyer, so we want to get as much grain as possible flowing out of our Towner Line, onto (Tennessee Pass), and on to Dotsero.”

On his recent plans to connect Colorado Pacific to the Tennessee Pass Line, Eagle County Commissioner Matt Scherr said he was not surprised when he heard Colorado Pacific is no longer trying to acquire the Tennessee Pass Line as planned, “If Soloviev just wants to use the rail, he doesn’t care who operates it.” Hence, the Soloviev Group will continue to impact the Colorado Pacific line and may grow its connections in the nearby states in the upcoming years through its newer projects.

Since its construction, the Colorado Pacific Railroad has remained a significant transporting route for people wishing to travel to Kansas or Oklahoma the fastest. This enhanced connectivity has benefitted all the connecting and intersecting locations, including Towner and Pueblo.

The latest upgradation of a delivery route undoubtedly has enhanced freight traffic and enabled faster delivery. As the CEO of the Soloviev Group takes much interest in farming, these upgradations of lines and intersections have improvised the transporting of grains and other vital agricultural commodities to the major markets of the nation.

The Colorado Pacific is a crucial route with rich history and modern intervention. This historic rail route is witnessing its best time since the historic purchase and takeover of the Soloviev Group and its upgradation project.